Fishing boat - fishing for lobster and crab near the Ile de Batz, Brittany, France. Photo:

Briefing: Financing the Decarbonisation of the EU Fisheries Sector

We are in the midst of a climate crisis, with the effects of rising temperatures – due to climate change – now making themselves known everywhere. At the same time, we are facing a major biodiversity crisis, which hugely impacts the marine environment and the functioning of the ocean as a climate regulator. On top of these major crises, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, we also face an unprecedented energy challenge.

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© Greenpeace / Christian Aslund

Statement: An Energy Transition for the EU Fishing Sector

We are in the midst of the climate crisis, feeling the effects of climate change almost on a daily basis. At a political level, with the signature of the Paris Agreement and the adoption of the European Green Deal, the EU agreed to transition to a sustainable Europe that will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In order to reach these objectives, human societies need to start or accelerate the decarbonisation of all sectors of the economy.  

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Carbon-friendly & economically resilient EU fisheries

Carbon-friendly & economically resilient EU fisheries

The European Commission launched in February 2023 an Action plan for the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries sector. Our policy briefing highlights our recommendations for this crucial process of decarbonization which is part of the broader effort to achieve climate change objectives set in the European Green Deal and the European climate law.

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Fish are Carbon Engineers

Fish are Carbon Engineers

Our Fish Briefing Paper,  presented at COP27 on November 11th. 2022. Download pdf: Fish are Carbon Engineers The ocean is the largest store of carbon on

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Fit for 55: Energy Taxation Directive, Ending one of aviation's most unfair tax privileges

Fit for 55: Energy Taxation Directive, Ending one of aviation’s most unfair tax privileges

Aviation fuels have been exempt from taxation under the Energy Taxation Directive since it was introduced. The revision of the ETD would put an end to this unfair tax privilege that aviation has enjoyed and ensure taxation rates better integrate the environmental impact of fossil kerosene. This briefing from T&E highlights the good aspects and the problems of the revision of the ETD for aviation.

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