Reaction to EU Fit for 55: Energy Taxation Directive and Fossil Fuel Subsidies for the Fishing Industry
Why does the fishing industry get a free pass when everyone else has to pay the true price of carbon pollution and environmental destruction?
Why does the fishing industry get a free pass when everyone else has to pay the true price of carbon pollution and environmental destruction?
Download: Proposal for a Council Directive: Restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity
This short memo deals with the legal basis that the EU can rely upon in the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD).It will first discuss two cases of the CJEU (C-626/18 & C-482/17) that have dealt with the question of the applicable legal basis within the context of the revision of EU directives.
“Getting rid of fossil fuel subsidies – like tax exemptions on kerosene for planes or diesel for fishing vessels – is a crucial step towards a decarbonised Europe, one of the main objectives of the EU Green Deal,” Flaminia Tacconi, fisheries lawyer at ClientEarth.
“By calling for the elimination of all harmful subsidies, the European Parliament is taking the lead in EU’s fight against climate change”, said Flaminia Tacconi, fisheries lawyer at ClientEarth.
The EU and its Member States must fulfil their commitment to stop public money from supporting wasteful economic activities that degrade our environment. We urge EU leaders to stop subsidizing fossil fuels.
More than 40 businesses, think tanks and NGOs today called on the EU to eliminate vast and continuing subsidies to fossil fuels, which the group say run directly counter to the goals of the European Green Deal.
This mind-mapping tool identifies the International and EU commitments that call directly or indirectly for the elimination of fossil fuels (indirect or direct) subsidies.
This report is an overview of the state of carbon pricing in the EU and its prospects for the future. Drawing from academic literature and
The environmental, social and economic imperative for ending fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector.
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