An Energy Transition for the EU Fishing Sector: One That Protects the Environment and is Socially Just

Our Vision for Decarbonisation
We have a vision for a decarbonisation of the fisheries sector that progressively leads to a greenhouse gas-neutral fisheries using less energy-intensive gears and less destructive gears.
Decarbonisation will go hand in hand with a transition towards low impact fisheries, allowing the ocean and fish to play their role as climate regular and natural carbon sinks. Coastal communities will thrive thanks to their activity as fishers but also thanks to the beauty of the marine environment they will feel responsible to protect and honour. Consumers will have learned to eat less but more seasonal fish that has been sustainably fished in EU waters. We encourage the European Commission and Member States to take a step-by-step approach for a decarbonisation roadmap.
In the first period all available measures to reduce fuel consumption should be implemented as they can also easily be financed through the EMFAF. A shift towards low impact fishing should be encouraged by any means in this first phase. While technological innovation is advancing, decarbonisation can move forward towards alternative fuels. These options should be strongly assessed in the light of environmental, social and safety impacts.

Press, Events and News

Open Letter to Commissioners Hoekstra and Kadis
Congratulations on your appointment. Our NGOs BLOOM, ClientEarth, Oceana and Seas At Risk look forward to collaborating with you and supporting your efforts to advance the goals outlined in your mission letters. Together, we work for the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies in fisheries, fair financial and fishing opportunities for coastal, artisanal and small-scale fishing communities, and a shift toward low-impact fishing practices.

Webinar: Capacity Ceilings in EU fisheries – Barrier or Opportunity for Decarbonisation?
This timely event, ahead of the European Commission Energy Transition Partnership workshops (11-12 December) focusing on small-scale, large-scale, and distant-water fisheries, will bring together experts, policymakers, and both small-scale and large-scale fishers to explore the report’s findings and their implications for decarbonisation in the fisheries sector.

Report: EU Fishing Capacity Rules No Barrier to Decarbonising Industry, Despite Industry Claims
A new report from ClientEarth reveals that limits on vessel weight and power under EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) prove no obstacle to switching the EU fishing fleet to energy-efficient and low-carbon propulsion technologies.
Infographics and Reports

Report: Capacity Ceilings in EU Fisheries: Obstacle or Opportunity for the Decarbonisation Process?
This report examines the extent to which existing capacity caps for the EU Fishing fleet affect decarbonization efforts. The analysis reveals that many Member States have not yet reached their capacity ceilings, and there are pathways for hybrid or full decarbonization that align with current regulations.

Energy transition and Decarbonisation of the fishing fleet: the Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE)’s Perspective
Shifting from fossil fuel dependency to a zero carbon economy is as imperative for fisheries as it is for other production sectors. Decarbonisation must also be coherent with the other processes affecting the fisheries sector, and in line with fishery management objectives. Decarbonisation must not be pursued at the expense of biodiversity conservation, nature restoration, and the transition towards a fair and sustainable food system. On the other hand, if the vision of the fisheries of the future is well framed and the energy transition is well aligned with the CFP objectives to end overfishing, conserve and restore the marine environment, and is consistent with the objectives of achieving economic, social and employment benefits, it could provide a great opportunity to revitalise the small-scale low impact fishing sector, and give them prospects of future.

Carbon-friendly & economically resilient EU fisheries
The European Commission launched in February 2023 an Action plan for the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries sector. Our policy briefing highlights our recommendations for this crucial process of decarbonization which is part of the broader effort to achieve climate change objectives set in the European Green Deal and the European climate law.

Report: Better Use of Public Money: the End of Fuel Subsidies for the EU Fishing Industry
The EU fishing fleet is exempted from paying fuel taxes; these fuel-tax exemptions are indirect capacity-enhancing subsidies. High fuel prices and taxation can incentivise faster decarbonisation of industries, hence such indirect subsidies stand in the way of a more environmentally friendly EU fishing fleet.