The Green Brief: Lawmakers call for swift phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies

The Green Brief: Lawmakers call for swift phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies


The Green Brief: Building back better? –

Lawmakers call for swift phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies. During a vote on the eighth Environmental Action plan last week, MEPs in the environment committee voted to phase out all direct and indirect fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 with environmentally harmful subsidies phased out by 2027.

Green Irish rapporteur, Grace O’Sullivan, said, “As we find ourselves at the beginning of a crucial decade in tackling the ecological crisis impacting our lands and seas, this [eighth] EAP responds to fundamental challenges facing our people and planet with an ambitious framework that recognises the need for systemic change.”

“Getting rid of fossil fuel subsidies – like tax exemptions on kerosene for planes or diesel for fishing vessels – is a crucial step towards a decarbonised Europe, one of the main objectives of the EU Green Deal,” Flaminia Tacconi, fisheries lawyer at ClientEarth.

Environmental action plans guide environment policy. The eighth plan will be in force until 2030, covering the crucial decade of climate action. It will be voted on by all MEPs in July. Read more. (Kira Taylor |


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